What We’re Working On
LHIA Projects and How You Can Help
Updating Our By-Laws
After a thorough review of our by-laws, and some roadblocks we have faced in the past, we believe it is important to reconsider some of the language within our longstanding document to determine how we should be operating. Here are some of the reasons why we feel this is important:
Improving Clarity & Effectiveness
Outdated language or poorly defined terms can create confusion and misinterpretation. Modernizing the wording makes the by-laws clearer and more accessible to everyone.
Strengthening Community Engagement
We need your help and by updating the by-laws, it gives you, the community the sense of ownership, allowing our members to voice their opinions to come to a collective agreement.
Supporting Effective Governance
Modernized by-laws provide a solid foundation for decision-making, helping leaders manage the community more efficiently. They ensure procedures are relevant and streamlined.
Plan of Action
We intend to propose new language to our by-laws prior to the annual meeting for members to review. We will review these changes at the annual meeting and work on voting them in.
13th Street Bridge Renovation
The 13th Street Bridge has been in need of repair and brought up to code for some time. We believe this is an extremely important part of the LHIA infrastructure and have made it a top priority with the city. Why is this important:
Repair and Rebuild
The current bridge has been longstanding and in need of repair. We have expressed these concerns with the city in order to try to get in front of any potential issues that may arise from its age.
ADA Compliance
The current bridge is not in compliant with ADA standards and thus needs to be updated to reflect such.
Safety and Security
Many members have expressed the need for additional safety and security via a passive bridge gate installation. This is something that the LHIA board has taken seriously and will look for community support as we embark with the city in constructing a new bridge.
Plan of Action
The LHIA Executive Committee and Board has been in contact with city officials to work in tandem on the construction of a new bridge. Current timelines from the city reflect a late 2026 / early 2027 construction time.
Cordova Road Speed Mitigation
After the repaving of Cordova Road, it was believed that speed humps would be reinstalled. However, after much time has passed, and discussion with the city, we have been told that the current budget does not allow for them at this time.
What Have We Done
We have implored the city to continue to evaluate speed mitigation on Cordova Road due to the many young families, traffic and high rate of speed many residents have witnessed.
Installation of speed warning signs have been completed in an attempt to slow down drivers.
What We Need
We will continue to push the issue of reintroducing speed humps while taking into consideration the impact they might have such as water drainage.
Community Beautification
Community beautification and landscaping play a vital role in creating a welcoming, and sustainable environment that benefit residents, and visitors alike.
Improving Property Values
Clean and green environments signal a well-cared-for neighborhood, which is attractive to visitors, new home buyers and investors.
What We Need
Membership and donations all contribute to the beautification and landscaping our neighborhood. Help get the word out to increase membership in the LHIA.
What Have We Done
Just recently many residents participated in clearing and cleaning trash from the alleyway in the Cliff Lake Neighborhood. More opportunities will abound for volunteers to participate in keeping our neighborhood clean.